Upload photos in Tiempo
Provide proof of the work that’s been done
It's often said that a picture is worth a thousand words. When it comes to your work, it's worth even more. It's proof of a job well done.

That’s why we’ve added it to Tiempo.

Now, whether you’re tracking hours, expenses, projects (or anything else), you can have photos included with the work entries.
How to Upload Photos
Whenever you’re adding work, look for the camera icon in the notes section. Tap the icon to load up the ability to choose a preexisting photo or take a new one. Make sure to give Tiempo to ability to access your camera. After that you’re ready to go.
Tap the camera icon to upload a photo.
On desktop, it’s very similar. Click the “Add Photos” button with the camera icon. Select an image file from your computer’s hard drive (PNG or JPG file format). Click ok and the file will upload.
Click the “Add Photo” button to...wait for it...add a photo!
Pro Tip: Upload Multiple Photos
You’re not limited to just one photo. If you’ve got multiple angles to show, you can do it. Just keep repeating the steps above until your work is captured in all its glory.
Tad Milbourn
Tad is the Co-Founder and CEO of Tiempo.